Many guys make fun of woman for having so many pairs of shoes. However men also need to a variety of pairs. Maybe not as many but more than a pair for work and pair for the gym. They all have different purposes You should also keep them up to date and stylish.
Before you go and look for your new wardrobe of shoes here are a few things you need to know:
- Round toes are in. If you are still hanging on to your square shoes it is time to let go. As GQ says “Don’t be so damn Square” (
- You need one pair of black lace dress shoes. These are ideal for suits, it is a man’s little black dress!
- Make sure you have a pair of brown dress shoes that you can wear with navy suits, brown, and blue dress pants
- Loafers, wingtips or lace up dress shoes are a few options
- You also want shoes to wear with jeans and khakis and shorts
- Loafers, wingtips, chukkas are all options
- Last but not least you need one pair of sneakers that you don’t wear to the gym
Dress Shoes
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